The French Province of the Society of the Priests of Saint Sulpice has just privately published in French a book by Bernard PITAUD, PSS, an expert in spirituality and in the Sulpician tradition. Titled, La Pratique de la direction spirituelle [The Practice of Spiritual Direction], the 118-page book assembles a series of articles Father Pitaud has written on spiritual direction over the years. This new edition, which includes three articles never previously published, allows more ready access to this rich tradition of the Sulpicians which has appeared in diverse French publications over the years.
The book comprises three parts. Part One addresses the fundamental principles of spiritual direction. Part Two considers the practice of spiritual direction in seminaries. And Part Three summarizes spiritual direction throughout history, with an emphasis on the French school of spirituality and the Sulpician tradition.
Father Pitaud is the former Provincial Superior of the French Province of Sulpicians. He recently co-edited, with Gilles CHAILLOT, PSS, and Irénée NOYE, PSS, an important new, critical edition (2014) of the Letters of Father Jean-Jacques OLIER, founder of the Sulpicians. He is a noted expert in spirituality, the seventh-century French school, Nicolas ROLAND, and Madeleine DELBRÊL, whose cause for sainthood is underway.
At present the book is available in French and only through direct request of the Provincial Secretary of the French Province (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Eventual translations in Spanish and English are also planned.