Commissioned for the 400th anniversary of the death of Sulpician founder, Father Jean-Jacques OLIER (1601-1657), a history of the Society of the Priests of Saint Sulpice appeared in French in 2008. The author is Father Philippe MOLAC, PSS, a Sulpician historian and patristic scholar. The title of this work is Histoire d’un dynamism: La Compagnie des Prêtres de Saint-Sulpice (Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 2008). It is a product of the Commission for the Study of Sulpician Sources and Traditions directed by the General Council of the Society.
An English edition has finally appeared in the form of a PDF available on the website of the U.S. Province of Sulpicians ( Titled, History of an Apostolic Movement: The Society of the Priests of St. Sulpice, the translator was Father Lawrence B. TERRIEN, PSS, a theologian and former Superior General of the Sulpicians. The text (236 pages) is available for consultation by going to the U.S. Province website and clicking the link on the left side of web page, called History of an Apostolic Movement.
We congratulate the U.S. Province, under the leadership of Thomas R. ULSHAFER, PSS, who just ended his term as Provincial on June 30, 2015 for this fine project, which now permits the English-speaking world easier access to a modern history of the Society of Saint Sulpice. Kudos to the translator and to those who helped assemble photos collected for this web edition. The French version (337 pages) is still available directly through the publisher, Éditions du Cerf, or at religious bookstores throughout France.