A long-anticipated project of the critical edition of the letters of Father Jean-Jacques OLIER, founder of the Society of the Priests of Saint-Sulpice, has finally come to fruition. The book, titled Correspondance: Nouvelle édition des lettres suivies de textes spirituels donnés comme lettres dans les éditions antérieures, contains nearly one thousand pages and is published by Éditions Honoré Champion of Paris, as the third volume in the series MYSTICA.
Three Sulpician experts on the writings of Father Olier teamed up to produce this masterpiece, Fathers Gilles CHAILLOT, Irénée NOYE, and Bernard PITAUD. They worked closely with the director of the series, M. François TRÉMOLIÈRES.
Two advantages over previous editions is the more accurate reordering of the chronology of the letters, and the distinction made between authentic letters and spiritual treatises that had been disguised as letters. The book can thus be considered an up-to-date critical edition for the twenty-first century. It is only available in French and retails for 115 Euros.
The Society of Saint-Sulpice warmly congratulates our confreres and Éditions Honoré Champion on this important achievement!

Picture below after a festive luncheon, 23 April 2014, to celebrate the publicaiton - Left to Right: MM. G. CHAILLOT, B. PITAUD, I. NOYE, and F. TREMOLIERES