A new biography of Madeleine DELBRÊL, a Catholic lay woman and mystic, has just appeared in French, titled Madeleine Delbrêl: Poète, assistante sociale et mystique (Nouvelle Cité, 2014), co-authored by a noted expert on Delbrêl, Sulpician Father Bernard PITAUD, pss. He researched and wrote the book with fellow Delbrêl enthusiast, Father Gilles FRANÇOIS, a priest of the Diocese of Creteil, who is also the official postulator for Delbrêl’s cause for sainthood. Both authors teach classes at Le Grand Séminaire de Saint-Sulpice, at Issy-les-Moulineaux, just outside Paris.

Pitaud is a noted expert on various spiritual figures in France, including the Sulpician founder Jean-Jacques OLIER. He had earlier published Prier 15 Jours avec Madeleine Delbrêl (Nouvelle Cité, 4th ed. 2009; orig. 1998).
Madeleine Delbrêl (1904-1964) is particularly well known in France where she gained a reputation as a spiritual author, social commentator, poet, and mystic. Originally an atheist, Delbrêl converted to Catholicism and became involved in various social movements, notably at Ivry-sur-Seine, a suburb of Paris. She authored many books and promoted her understanding of the Catholic faith and the call to holiness. Her cause for beatification began in 1990 and is proceeding with the support of the Diocese of Creteil and others. This new biography adds much material to the understanding of Delbrêl’s holiness and her insight into applying the gospel of Jesus Christ in the modern world.
The Sulpicians congratulate Father Pitaud and Father François on this latest publication, which is available now in bookstores or through Amazon.fr.