From February 12 to 17 the Superior General of the Sulpicians, Father Ronald D. WITHERUP, traveled to the West Africa country of Benin to participate in the centenary of the Major Seminary Saint-Gall, where Sulpicians have served as formators for more than sixty years. He also presided at the Eucharist on February 17th, the actual day of the founding of the seminary in 1914.
Below are some pictures of the event, which drew some 3500 participants at an outdoor Mass celebrated on the seminary property on Sunday, February 16.
The Sulpicians are proud to have played an important role at Saint-Gall for many years. All of the Sulpicians from Benin and Togo attended the festivities, as did all the members of the Provincial Council of the Province of France. Many bishops from Benin and Togo concelebrated the Mass, at which the apostolic nuncio, Archbishop Brian UDAIGWE, a Nigerian, presided.
All the members of the Society of Saint Sulpice extend their congratulations to the seminary community on this auspicious occasion. Ad multos annos!

The seminary’s main entrance viewed from atop the main tower
Some of the 148 seminarians from Saint Gall during a conference for the centenary
Father Witherup with Jean-Benoît GNAMBODE, pss, Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Porto-Novo
Members of the Sulpician community pictured with Archbishop UDAIGWE
The memorial plaque for the centennial, dedicated after the principal Mass on February 16