Father Phillip BROWN, pss, who is the General Treasurer of the Society of the Priests of Saint Sulpice, is currently serving a one-year term as President of the prestigious Canon Law Society of America (CLSA).
Both a civil and canon lawyer by training, Father Brown began his term as President of CLSA in October 2013. It will conclude in October 2014. As is customary, he had previously served a year as President-Elect of the Society. He has also served as a professor of canon law at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. The position of General Treasurer of the Sulpicians is only part-time. Father Brown, however, is also the Rector of the Theological College of the Catholic University of America, which currently has a full house of resident seminarians and some priest students.
Father Brown has been a member of the CLSA since 1999. Prior to becoming President he served on its Board of Governors, as chair of the Professional Responsibility Committee, and as chair of the Canon and Civil Law Committee. He obtained his doctorate in canon law summa cum laude from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome in 1999.
The CLSA is one of the most prestigious canon law societies in the world. Under their auspices several important studies of complex canonical issues have been published, as well as the most prominent commentary on the new canon law (promulgated in 1983) in the English-speaking world.
The Society of Saint Sulpice congratulates Father Brown on this distinction as President of CLSA!