The U.S. Province of the Society of the Priests of Saint Sulpice recently published for its English-speaking members an English translation of Petite Vie de Jean-Jacques Olier by Father Bernard PITAUD, pss, former Provincial of the French Province.
The original French edition, published by Desclée de Brouwer in Paris, appeared in 1996. It has been sold out for a number of years and is currently not available in French, although other biographies in the Petite Vie Series have recently been republished.
This short biography is a masterful summary of the life of the founder of the Sulpicians, who was a leading member of the French School of Spirituality. Father Lawrence B. TERRIEN, pss, former Superior General, was the translator. This new translation is an internal publication only and will be used as a resource for the formation of future Sulpicians. In addition to the text, it features numerous colorful illustrations from etchings and photographs.
The General Council is grateful to Father Thomas R. ULSHAFER, S.S., Provincial of the American Province, for providing this useful resource for the members.