Having spent tend days together reflection on “The Formation of Priests in the Twenty-first Century in Light of the Traditions of Vatican Council II and the Society of Saint Sulpice, the symposium wrapped up with a final festive Eucharist and banquet on July 18, 2012. Numerous other Sulpicians from the Montreal region concelebrated the Mass and attended the reception and dinner afterwards.
The delegates from all three Sulpician provinces finished their work on a short document of “talking points,” which along with the main theological and pastoral presentations will be distributed in some fashion to all the Sulpician members. The General Council and Provincials meet July 19-20 to discuss the best options to circulate and implement this information.
The general sentiment of all the delegates was very positive and hopeful. Everyone complimented the great hospitality offered by Le Grand Séminaire de Montréal and the superb organization of the symposium.
As the fiftieth anniversary of the Second Vatican Council arrives on the eve of the Year of Faith proclaimed by Our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, the Society of Saint Sulpice is prepared to launch into the future of initial and ongoing formation of priests with confidence. The Society expresses gratitude to all who prayed for the success of this symposium.