Following the election at the Canadian Provincial Assembly in Montreal on June 26, 2012 of the Provincial, Father Jacques D’ARCY, p.s.s. for a second term of office, the Assembly has elected the following four consultors:
• Jorge PACHECO, p.s.s., faculty member of Le Séminaire Saint-Sulpice, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France (First Consultor)
• Jaime MORA, p.s.s., Secretary of the Provincial Council (Second Consultor)
• Jaroslaw KAUFMANN, p.s.s., Rector of Le Grand Séminaire de Montréal (Third Consultor)
• Guy GUINDON, p.s.s., Director of the Pastoral Studies Department at Le Grand Séminaire de Montréal (Fourth Consultor)

Father Mora, a Colombian who has served in Montreal during the last seven years, was Second Consultor to the Sulpician General Council until this most recent election. The General Council will now have to name a replacement.
The new Provincial Council begins its work immediately, and their term of office will last until the next Canadian Provincial Assembly in 2018.
On June 27, 2012, the apostolic nuncio to Canada, Most Rev. Pedro LÓPEZ QUINTANA, came to Montréal from Ottawa to celebrate the Eucharist with all the delegates of the Assembly. His Excellency highlighted the important contribution to the Church the Society of Saint Sulpice continues to make in priestly formation. The Mass was followed by a festive meal.

The Assembly will conclude its work on Friday, June 29, 2012, the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul, with the adoption of all the resolutions accepted by the Assembly to be forwarded to the General Council for approval.