Habemus provincialem! Gathered at Le Grand Séminaire de Montréal for a two-week Assembly, delegates from around the world elected on 26 June 2012 Father Jacques D’ARCY, p.s.s. to a second six-year term as Provincial of the Province of Canada, effective immediately.

In addition to Canada, the Canadian Province, which was founded in 1657, directs programs of priestly formation in Colombia, Brazil, Italy, and Japan.
The Sulpician Constitutions note that the Provincial Assembly is the highest authoritative body of a Province. It is held every six years and gives direction and vision to the province. In addition to the Provincial, the Assembly will elect four consultors who will assist the Provincial in governing the Province during the next six years.

The Superior General of the Society, Very Rev. Ronald D. WITHERUP, p.s.s., was present to confirm the election. The Assembly will also make other major decisions in the form of propositions, and at the end of the process, these decisions will be submitted to the General Council for final approbation.
We wish Father D’Arcy many blessings in his term as Provincial!