Msgr. Fredrik Hansen, P.S.S.

Very Rev. Daniel F. Moore, P.S.S., Provincial Superior of the Priests of the Society of St. Sulpice, Province of the United States is very proud to announce that, on November 1, 2024, the Solemnity of All Saints, our Holy Father has appointed Msgr. Fredrik Hansen, P.S.S. (Cand.), J.C.D. as Coadjutor Bishop of Oslo in his native Norway.

Monsignor Hansen has been a candidate for the U.S. Province of the Society of Saint Sulpice since 2022 and has been serving as a faculty member and Dean of Seminarians at St. Mary’s Seminary & University in Baltimore.

Before joining the Sulpicians, Msgr. Hansen, who was ordained a priest in 2007, had served in the Diplomatic Corps of the Holy See, most recently as Secretary and Deputy at the Permanent
Observer Mission of the Holy See at the United Nations in New York.

Father Moore said, “It is with mixed emotions that I make this announcement, as it will mean
losing a cherished colleague in priestly formation. However, the U.S. Province is honored to know

that one of our confreres has been chosen to serve as a Bishop in his home diocese. I wish Bishop-Elect Hansen every blessing in his forthcoming ministry.”


Very Rev. Daniel F. Moore, P.S.S., Provincial Superior of the Priests of the Society of St. Sulpice, Province of the United States, Baltimore, Maryland